Quantum Technology Applied to the Atomic Scale: The Magneto-Optical Rotation

27 February 2025

12:15 PM - 1:00 PM


A four-level double lambda closed atomic configuration is considered to study the polarization plane rotation of the probe beam through cold as well as thermal Rb atomic medium by varying the spontaneously generated coherence (SGC). Magnetic field and strong coupling field are applied to the atomic configuration. The light-matter interaction leads to enhance the magneto-optical rotation. The intensity of the applied fields plays promising role in the generation and enhancement of birefringence. It ultimately enhances the polarization plane rotation of the probe beam in the Doppler medium. In the presence of both SGC and Doppler broadening effects, the optical rotation and transmission of the weak light beam are modified and controlled as well, which have potential applications in magnetometery and laser frequency stabilization.

Dr. Hazrat Ali

Assistant Professor
Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, Pakistan


Dr. Hazrat Ali is a distinguished academic and researcher in the field of theoretical quantum optics. He earned his Ph.D. in 2016 from Malakanad University. Dr. Ali has gained international experience through many visits, including a research tenure at the University of Rochester. Currently, Dr. Ali serves as an Assistant Professor at the Abbottabad University of Science and Technology in Pakistan. Over the course of his career, he has been awarded three patents and two prestigious research projects. He has also mentored 20 MPhil students and one PhD student. In addition to his research, Dr. Ali is a Trusted reviewer for the Institute of Physics (IOP) as well as many other quantum optics journals.

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